Woche 6 I week 6 – Yoga

SoulfuelProgram Woche 6 I week 6 – Faszienyoga I fascia yoga

Wow, schon die letzte Woche des ersten Laufs unseres SoulfuelProgram! Also haben wir für die letzte Einheit etwas besonders Schönes ausgesucht, nämlich Faszienyoga. Mit dieser Praxis sprichst du dein Bindegewebe an, welches sich durch den ganzen Körper zieht und ein verbindendes Netzwerk in deinem Körper darstellt. Ab der nächsten Woche starte wieder mit den Übungen der Woche 1 und vielleicht erkennst du deinen persönlichen Fortschritt. #soulfuelprogram auf Facebook und Instagram

Wow, it’s already the last week of the first cycle of our SoulfuelProgram! That’s why we have chosen something special and beautiful for the last yoga practice – that is fascia yoga. With this practice you address your connective tissue, which stretches through your whole body and constitutes a connective network. From next week on start again with the asana practice of week 1 and perhaps you will realize your individual progress. #soulfuelprogram on Facebook and Instagram

Woche 5 I week 5 – Yoga

SoulfuelProgram Woche 5 I week 5 – Yoga für Flexibilität I Yoga for flexibility

Thema der Woche ist Flexibilität. Mit der heutigen Yoga-Praxis erhöhst du nach und nach deine Flexibilität – auch wenn einige Asanas vielleicht zu Beginn noch nicht klappen, wirst du mit der Zeit deinen Fortschritt spüren! Deshalb: dran bleiben! Versuche zu Beginn nichts zu wollen, wozu dein Körper noch nicht bereit ist. Gehe nur so weit, wie dein Körper dir deine individuellen Grenzen aufzeigt – und vielleicht ist beim nächsten Mal die Grenze schon höher gesetzt. Markiere deine Freunde und teile deine Fortschritte auf Facebook und Instagram mit  #soulfuelprogram

Topic of the week is flexibility. With today’s yoga practice you increase your flexibility bit by bit – even if at the beginning certain asanas do not work out as you wish, with time you’ll feel your progress! That means: persist! At the beginning try not to want anything where your body is not ready for yet. Take your practice only to that point where your body shows its individual limit – and perhaps next time this limit is already set a little higher. Tag your friends and share your progress on Facebook and Instagram with #soulfuelprogram

Woche 2 I week 2 – Yoga

SoulfuelProgram Woche 2 I week 2 – Yoga für den Oberkörper I Yoga for the upper body

Es ist wieder Freitag und diese Woche steht das Thema Oberkörper im Fokus – entsprechend ist die heutige Yoga-Praxis auf Asanas für eben den Oberkörper ausgelegt. Du kräftigst, rotierst, dehnst und flexibilisierst mit den gezeigten Asanas deinen Oberkörper (entlang der Wirbelsäule bis in den Schulterbereich hinein). Teile deine Praxis mit #soulfuelprogram auf Facebook und Instagram und lass andere Soulfueler teilhaben! Viel Spaß:-)

Again it’s Friday and this week the focus is on the upper body – that means today’s yoga practice is designed with asanas for your upper body. With the shown asanas you strengthen, rotate & stretch and increase the flexibility of your upper body (along the spine up to your shoulders). Share your practice with #soulfuelprogram on Facebook and Instagram and let the other Soulfuelers participate! Have a lot of fun:-)

The world upside down – Shirsasana


Let’s get upside down for a change!

Tips & Tricksshirsasana

  • Keep your elbows shoulder-distance apart and press elbows and forearms to the ground
  • Keep maximum distance between shoulders and ears to release the weight of the body from the crown and neck
  • If you have high or low blood pressure, do not practice or do not stay for a long period in this asana
  • Walk your feet towards the upper body – and then jump a little and let your feet off ground at the same time


  • Empowers the blood flow through the brain cells
  • Increases haemoglobin content in the blood
  • Makes you view your life from a different perspective
  • Is just proper fun 🙂

Yoga for Everyone

Yoga for everyone

Over years and years, Yoga has developed continuously. It was mainly a practice to reach a higher state of consciousness. Today yoga is seen more as a comprehensive practice that is open to everyone to reach a state where the body and mind are in harmony.meditation

For most people nowadays yoga is practiced for its asanas (the physical exercise). But it is actually a whole philosophy of life. Age, religion, physical restrictions etc. do not play a role in yoga as everyone can benefit from its healing effects – everyone in his own speed, own variations, adapted to each and everyone’s needs.

When somehow captured in the everyday life – with its speed, hectic, stimuli – practicing yoga has quite a therapeutic effect. With regular yoga practice, it is possible to become a better and more attentive observer of your own body and mind which then helps to cope with everyday life at ease and to better understand own reactions.

The need to deal with stress, makes the practice of yoga an ideal option. As said above, yoga is not just a physical exercise routine, but a combination of our physical, mental, and spiritual faculties. Contrary to popular belief, yoga is not an archaic path that only rishis and yogis choose to treat. In fact, yoga can help negotiate the many ups and downs (big and small) of life. What sets yoga apart from other fitness systems is its focus on the mind, body and spirit. Yoga stimulates glands, facilitates cell replacement, improves blood circulation, increases flexibility, detoxifies the system, calms the mind, keeps you energetic, strengthens the body and helps to connect with yourself.

Sounds good? So why not start your practice right away or take it as your new year resolution?


(Inspired by B.K.S. Iyengar and Yamini Muthanna)