Countdown: 3 to go…

… und dürfen wir vorstellen… and may we introduce…


Lehrerin & Ernährungsberaterin

teacher & nutritionist




Sportliebhaberin – unternehmungsfreudig – Barfußlaufen – Schicksalsglaube – LachenIstDieBesteMedizin – vielseitig – reiselustig – liebt gutes Essen – Genießerin – einfach mal machen…

sports lover – adventurous – barefoot walking – believing in fate – LaughterIsTheBestMedicine – versatile – fond of traveling – Foodlover@ItsBest – bon vivant – just do it…





Murder to the Mind

Murder to the Mind

There are times when your mind is too busy to cope with anything else. The reasons for a mind too busy can be diverse: work commitments, heartbreak, just everyday life. What are potential ways out of such a situation? Sometimes there is just no way just right now. Sometimes it just takes some time to get your head around it. Sometimes it helps to „murder the mind“ with something that is so distracting from work commitments, heartbreak, just everyday life that you cannot think about the things that keep your mind busy. It is not easy to find such a distraction. Really looking for such a distraction might really be counterproductive and just keeps your mind even busier. It might be difficult to be patient at such times but at some point the necessary distraction is just around the corner waiting for you. So it needs a kind of perseverance to get through such a period and it is OK not to be as active or creative or efficient as you would usually be. At the end there is light, there is a way to „murder the mind“.

And then: then there will be something even more active, more creative, more efficient!

Same here… a long time has passed since last post as the mind was too busy to cope with anything else. But it clears now, it’s getting creative and active now. So watch out! The Soulfuel Yoga Team is currently working on something BIG. Revelation is currently planned for September 2017! Until then: some „murder to the mind“ practice!

Be bold

Be bold

You’ll learn, as you get older, that rules are made to be broken. Be bold enough to live life on your terms, and never, ever apologize for it. Go against the grain, refuse to conform, take the road less traveled instead of the well-beaten path. Laugh in the face of adversity, and leap before you look. Dance as though everybody is watching. March to the beat of your own drummer. And stubbornly refuse to fit in. – Mandy Hale

The world upside down – Shirsasana


Let’s get upside down for a change!

Tips & Tricksshirsasana

  • Keep your elbows shoulder-distance apart and press elbows and forearms to the ground
  • Keep maximum distance between shoulders and ears to release the weight of the body from the crown and neck
  • If you have high or low blood pressure, do not practice or do not stay for a long period in this asana
  • Walk your feet towards the upper body – and then jump a little and let your feet off ground at the same time


  • Empowers the blood flow through the brain cells
  • Increases haemoglobin content in the blood
  • Makes you view your life from a different perspective
  • Is just proper fun 🙂

Bali Yoga Flow No 3

Bali Yoga Flow No 3

It’s been already months since my stay in Ubud, Bali – and I’ve kept one short last yoga flow until now. It was midday when filmed so a little hot and sweaty throughout.

Enjoy and go with it!

Oil Pulling

Oil Pulling

A few weeks ago I heart about oil pulling for the first time and read about the benefits of it. As soon as I did the research I started to pull with coconut oil.


Oil pulling was primarily used in Ayurvedic medicine and works as an oral detoxification procedure. To do that you simply need to swish a tablespoon of oil (coconut, sesame or olive oil) in your mouth for 10-20 minutes. By swishing the oil in your mouth, it literally sucks out the dirt and creates a clean and antiseptic oral environment.

There are some studies that have proven the benefits of oil pulling, especially as to dental hygiene, although it should not completely replace usual care.

Anyways… as I said, I have tried it for a few weeks now and I feel indeed that certain long-term inflammations in my mouth are gone and everything is a little smoother (and as I use coconut oil, I have a funny coconutty taste in my mouth during the day). Just try it by yourself and form your own opinion:-)

Yin Yoga Sequence

Yin Yoga Sequence

Yin Yoga is a slow-paced style of yoga and asanas are held for longer periods of time. It directs the stimulation deeper than the superficial or muscular tissue (which is called the Yang tissue). Yin Yoga targets the connective tissues, such as the ligaments, tendons, fascia, bones, and even the joints of the body that normally are not exercised very much in a more active style of asana practice. The aim is to increase circulation in the joints and increasing flexibility.

Try out the shown 45 minutes sequence, let go and feel deep into your body. Enjoy!

Yin Yoga Sequence

Bali Yoga Flow No 2

Bali Yoga Flow No 2

Another short flow filmed during my stay in Ubud, Bali, at the Payogan Villas & Resorts. No particular theme, just flowing at the start of sunset that day. Enjoy and of course go ahead and try by yourself!

Top 5 Ubud Restaurant Picks

Top 5 Ubud Restaurant Picks

Top 5 Ubud Restaurant Picks


There is lots of choice when it comes to eating out in Ubud, Bali. Everything is super healthy, super green and super organic. So to give you a little hint at which places you really should visit when in Ubud, I put together my Top 5. If you are curious, then read more.